

特定非営利活動法人 東京レインボープライド







第三条 家庭裁判所は、性同一性障害者であって次の各号のいずれにも該当するものについて、その者の請求により、性別の取扱いの変更の審判をすることができる。
一 十八歳以上であること。
二 現に婚姻をしていないこと。
三 現に未成年の子がいないこと。
四 生殖腺がないこと又は生殖腺の機能を永続的に欠く状態にあること。
五 その身体について他の性別に係る身体の性器に係る部分に近似する外観を備えていること。



■「性別の取扱いの変更申立て却下審判に対する抗告棄 却決定に対する特別抗告事件
令和5年10月25日 大法廷決定」の全文は下記から

Tokyo Rainbow Pride’s Response to Supreme Court Ruling on the “Reproductive Incapacity Requirement” in the Special Law for Persons with Gender Identity Disorder


Tokyo Rainbow Pride would like to acknowledge the landmark decision by the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court on October 25, 2023 that ruled that Article 3, Paragraph 1, Item 4, known as the “reproductive incapacity requirement,” of the “Law Concerning Special Exceptions to the Treatment of Persons with Gender Identity Disorder” (hereinafter referred to as the “Special Law”) is in violation of Article 13 of the Constitution. 

This ruling marks a significant departure from the Supreme Court’s Petty Court decision on January 23, 2019, which upheld the constitutionality of the “reproductive incapacity requirement.” As a result of this recent judgment, the Japanese Diet will be compelled to amend the law, removing the unconstitutional reproductive incapacity requirement. Furthermore, the unanimous decision of 15 judges declaring it “choice between two harsh alternatives” represents a substantial step forward for our society, particularly for transgender individuals.

However, the Supreme Court refrained from ruling on the so-called “appearance requirement” found under Article 3, Paragraph 1, Item 5 of the Special Law, instead referring the matter back to the High Court. The petition for an official gender change under the Special Law typically involves filing a trial petition with the family court. In this particular case, the petitioner, a transgender woman, “born male but identifying as female,” has not undergone gender affirmation surgery. Consequently, the family court has yet to determine if the five requirements outlined in the Special Law are met. This case has been the subject of disputes involving two of these requirements: the “reproductive incapacity requirement” (Item 4) and the “appearance requirement” (Item 5). The recent decision found the fourth requirement to be unconstitutional but deferred a ruling on the fifth requirement. Consequently, the case has been remitted to the High Court, delaying the petitioner’s ability to change her gender.

In response, the petitioner has expressed her disappointment at the postponement of her gender change, and Tokyo Rainbow Pride stands in solidarity with her during this challenging time. We ardently hope that the appearance requirement will also be declared unconstitutional as soon as possible, facilitating the petitioner’s approval for gender change without further delay.

It is encouraging to note that three judges have issued individual opinions, asserting that the appearance requirement, akin to the sterility requirement, is unconstitutional as it compels individuals to make an arduous choice.

Regarding the appearance requirement, questions have arisen in recent years about the safety of restrooms and public bathhouses used by transgender individuals. It is important to emphasize that safety concerns are separate from the issue of transgender rights. Even if the appearance requirement were to be eliminated, businesses such as public baths have the flexibility to distinguish between men and women based on physical characteristics, such as external genitalia.

While this ruling is anticipated to stimulate discussions about amending the special laws, we strongly urge that these debates be guided by an accurate understanding and free from prejudice against transgender individuals. 

The “Special Law” has been in effect since 2004, and it took until 2008 for the requirement of not having children to be amended to “not being parents of minors.” However, for the next 15 years, there were no further amendments to the official gender change requirements under the Special Law. Worldwide, the elimination of sterility requirements has been advancing as a fundamental human rights issue, with many countries not imposing such requirements. In Japan, this recent ruling declaring the law unconstitutional signifies a step forward. Yet, there remain numerous issues with the Special Laws. In light of the Supreme Court’s ruling, we call upon the legislature to promptly revise these other requirements. This revision should encompass not only the appearance requirement, which has yet to receive a ruling, but also the “childless requirement” and the “unmarried requirement,” both of which have been problematic since the inception of the Special Laws.

The “childless requirement”, for example, is unique to Japan, infringing not only on the rights of those involved but also on the rights of children. The “unmarried requirement” effectively forces married individuals to divorce when changing their gender. Furthermore, changes to the official gender status of married individuals are at the center of a “Freedom of Marriage for All” lawsuit, which is currently under review and will likely be the focus of future attention in the same-sex marriage lawsuit expected to be decided by the Supreme Court.

This ruling by the Supreme Court Grand Chamber overturning the 2019 constitutional decision and deeming the fourth requirement unconstitutional through unanimous opinion indicates a substantial shift in public opinion over the last four years. The necessity of a reproductive sterility requirement is now viewed as less critical than in the past. This transformation, recognized by the Supreme Court, is largely attributable to the daily efforts and activism of transgender individuals, the LGBTQ+ community, and their allies. Tokyo Rainbow Pride remains committed to promoting this societal change, with a primary focus on organizing the Pride Parade.

In conclusion, Tokyo Rainbow Pride extends sincere respect to the petitioners and their legal representatives for their instrumental role in achieving this unconstitutional ruling. Our recognition is also extended to the petitioners and their legal representatives who secured a “constitutional violation” ruling on the same grounds at the Shizuoka Family Court Hamamatsu Branch on October 12.

 Article 3(1)(i) is sometimes simplified and referred to as the “age requirement,” Article 3(1)(ii) as the “unmarried requirement,” Article 3(iii) as the “childlessness requirement,” Article 3(iv) as the “reproductive incapacity requirement,” and Article 3(v) as the “appearance requirement.

Article 13 of the Constitution of Japan
Every citizen shall be respected as an individual. The rights of the people to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, unless contrary to the public welfare, require the utmost respect in legislation and in all other affairs of state.

Grand Chamber Decision p.9:
The restriction on freedom from bodily harm under this provision has, with the development of medical knowledge as described above, forced persons with gender identity disorder who do not require gonadectomy as a treatment to make a harsh choice between giving up their freedom from bodily harm and undergoing gonadectomy, which is a severe bodily harm, or giving up the important legal interest of being treated according to their gender identity under the law and abandoning the choice of undergoing an official gender status change trial.

“Case of Special Appeal against the Decision to Abstain from Appeal against the Dismissal of the Trial for Dismissal of the Petition for Change of Sex Treatment”

The full text of “Decision of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court dated October 25, 2023” is as follows


